Monday, June 20, 2011

Clean the Kitchen Mondays

The boys have been giving me a VERY hard time when it comes to going to bed. Zayne usually comes out of his room at least 5 times. And this morning...they came to get me 5 times in the hour between 2:30 and 3:30am....This is how I found them finally sleeping....

We had a stay at home pajama day since Mommy was so exhausted from last night. Luckily, they were in a great mood this morning and were sitting on the living room floor eating gold fish crackers for snack. Zayne was pretending to be a cat and was meowing and eating fish crackers from Malek's hand. They both thought it was the best game and it was sooooo cute!

When it came to nap time I figured I would try to bribe them to sleep for nap time....But with what? I had already taken away PlayDough time because of not listening and it looked like rain so no I told them I would let them mop the kitchen floor if they went to sleep without coming out of their room. And it worked! They napped right away and then helped me mop the floor after I cleaned the kitchen. I will have to try this bribe again.... No wonder they make me laugh so much!

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