Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Busy Weekend

It's a good thing we soaked up some sun before the weekend. The boys LOVE being out on the balcony and are very good about not going out without someone with them. They don't even mind sharing a chair as long as they can be outside.

We had company here at the hotel this weekend. On Friday, our friend Amy came to visit from Houston and on Saturday, Teta (Grandma) came to visit. ALL the boys wanted to do was play with her iPhone, iPad, or iPod. It is scary how addicted they are, even though they are a little too rough to hold it themselves. Even after we put them away, they had a hard time focusing to play some of their favorite games including Go Fish! Malek was full of love for Teta and he kept telling her that he loved her and that he liked her purse, shoes, shirt, etc.

Games from morning until night...

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