Monday, August 1, 2011

Better late than never....

Well, it has been a rather boring month for us. We haven't gone anywhere exciting or done anything important. But I figured I had better get back to blogging before I fell behind! The 4th of July was the one night we let the boys stay up late to see fireworks. We went to Katy Mills Mall and parked in a residential neighborhood with their cousins to see them. They had soooo much fun. Malek saw the crescent moon and exclaimed, 'Mommy, LOOK! A broken moon!' I realized that he hasn't seen the moon very much in his life since bed time is usually sunset! Just another 'new' thing to look at as if for the first time. All of the kids sat on the tailgate of the SUV and shouted with excitement at each burst. I was so glad they were together for it and for the first time, no one was afraid of the booms....

So, here's their 4th of July firework outfits. I picked the shirts, they picked the sunglasses and hats.... It's hard to believe that Zayne has grown so much even since then!

It took them a few days to get all caught up on sleep from being up so late...So, it didn't surprise me at all when I found Zayne an hour into his nap sleeping with his eyes open! This is the first time I remember either of them sleeping with their eyes open. :)

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