Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Big weekend...

We had a very big weekend. We bought the boys a new double stroller (mostly for me!) so it's easier to take them places. I also bought some new beads and on the way to our last errand, we were rear ended in our car. We're waiting to hear now if the insurance company is going to total it. Luckily no one got hurt and they have  decent insurance!

On Sunday we put together Malek's new BIKE! My mom sent it to him, it has no pedals and is supposed to help kids learn to ride a two wheeler without training wheels. At first he was very upset that the box was missing the pedals, but is now doing a very good job learning how to coast and balance. He was being very good so Bassem took him shopping for a helmet, elbow, and knee pads. Of course they also came home with a horn and gloves too! Malek chose a Spiderman helmet that he couldn't WAIT to wear, he was so excited! The horn is super loud and hasn't been put on the bike yet for that reason (don't want the neighbors to hate us as we go outside to ride early in the mornings before it gets too hot). We have a great big cement pad out front and during the week there are very few cars since we are not on a through street. There is a line in the cement that separates the 'street' from the pad and they stay well away from it, not that there were any cars driving.

  Malek was cracking me up pretending to be out of control when he had his feet up. I had the hardest time trying to take pictures because the humidity kept fogging up the camera lense before I could take the picture. Zayne loves having all of the other tricycles and toys to himself. I thought he would be jealous, but instead he didn't have to fight for the tricycle of his choice.


I have a few posts for today, but Dinosaur has been our favorite lately. He has been wearing a one piece outfit (I think it's just easier for Malek to put on and off of him). He gets tucked in at night with a pillow, blanket, and stuffed animal and is taken out to play during the day...who needs a cat or a sister when he has dinosaur?! Not that he doesn't want a cat or a sister, but it is a good distraction. He claims he wants TWO sisters now! hahaha

One night they tucked in Dinosaur in the container and then they made beds and slept in their little tent. I didn't think that they would actually fall asleep in it, but to my surprise they did!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our Friend

Meet our friend Dinosaur. Since we were supposed to go swimming today, Malek insisted that Dinosaur go to school since he can't stay home alone. He got him dressed from head to toe. Mickey Mouse socks, shorts(one leg for the tail, the other leg for his legs), and his teddy bear's t-shirt....I was completely surprised by the flip flops he had to add to the mix, but apparently Dinosaur wanted to wear them?! He sent Dinosaur off to school dressed like that and then put him in pajamas and put him to bed this evening, I'll have to take pictures of his bed, he even put the crib toy next to it. hahaha He has the best imagination and takes it as far as he can. I love it!


Or simming as Zayne says it....He couldn't wait to go. He likes to jump in and he says 'fast fast' when he swims....just like his favorite pal Dora. I love this video because his hair wasn't brushed, he was ready to go, and it shows his 'yeth' responses. I still giggle every time he says 'yeth'. He is capable of saying his 's' but doesn't always get them in the right spots yet.

Dancing and Painting Cheer 'Em Up!

We had a disappointing morning. After discovering that our neighborhood pool was closed, we had two very cranky boys. So I had to distract them with something, what better than painting and some dance music? Malek loved it until he saw me taking video. I must have cut it off because he looked at me and told me to 'stop looking at him'. They had a blast painting, Zayne scrubbed with the brush right through his paper, and Malek did a very good job and for the most part stayed in the lines!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Better late than never....

Well, it has been a rather boring month for us. We haven't gone anywhere exciting or done anything important. But I figured I had better get back to blogging before I fell behind! The 4th of July was the one night we let the boys stay up late to see fireworks. We went to Katy Mills Mall and parked in a residential neighborhood with their cousins to see them. They had soooo much fun. Malek saw the crescent moon and exclaimed, 'Mommy, LOOK! A broken moon!' I realized that he hasn't seen the moon very much in his life since bed time is usually sunset! Just another 'new' thing to look at as if for the first time. All of the kids sat on the tailgate of the SUV and shouted with excitement at each burst. I was so glad they were together for it and for the first time, no one was afraid of the booms....

So, here's their 4th of July firework outfits. I picked the shirts, they picked the sunglasses and hats.... It's hard to believe that Zayne has grown so much even since then!

It took them a few days to get all caught up on sleep from being up so late...So, it didn't surprise me at all when I found Zayne an hour into his nap sleeping with his eyes open! This is the first time I remember either of them sleeping with their eyes open. :)