Thursday, September 29, 2011

Poolside Fun!

We arrived in San Antonio last night and took the boys swimming. Today, when Bassem was in all day meetings, we went back to the pool. The pool is pretty amazing, it is an indoor/outdoor pool that has a bar (which was closed) and lots of fountains for the kiddos. We spent hours there this morning into the afternoon since it was shaded from the 103 degree sun.

We brought some juice and water since the 'bar' was closed.... The boys loved that they could stay in the water to drink!

Zayne pouting because I made him wear his swim ring to swim....He wanted to swim without it and hang onto me....One mom and two babies (if one is without a ring, the other will be too) is too much without rings.

Zayne was calling Malek 'my baby' and hugging him, it was sooo sweet!

Playing in the 'igloo' as they called it...Malek was so worried that it was 'melting'.

As they were getting worn out and were ready for lunch...they bumped heads. One was going into the 'igloo' the other coming out and the water skewed just how close they were. There was no bump or bruise, but the over exaggerated story was hilarious!

All clean and full from lunch...this is how they looked until they fell asleep....All snuggly and comatose as they watch 'Nickewodeon' before nap.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Zayne's first solo shower....

Zayne finally decided not to be terrified of the shower and joined me....Except I got out to grab the camera and he didn't care if I got back in or not! He was LOVING it and was cute as could be!

Earlier in the week Malek and Zayne were in the tub together and were practicing rescuing each other from 'sinking' in the water....The video was so sweet, I love the connection between brothers!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New shoes

Zayne and I were on our way home this morning when we made a slight the mall. We totally lucked out and got some really cute new shoes for him and Malek at incredible prices. I got them each a pair a size up from their shoe size now (to go with the pairs in their closet which are also a size up). The store clerk gave Zayne his in his very own bag and he so proudly walked around the rest of the mall with his own bag of shoes. As soon as we got home he and Malek put on their shoes and didn't take them off until this evening. As happy as they were...they didn't want to be disturbed from 'homework', painting, or playing long enough to take a picture. Hence the less than happy faces in the picture. Malek asked to wear his new shoes to school tomorrow and has already started learning to tie his own laces, which I imagine will take some time as tying anything is still foreign to him. So YAY for new shoes!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Who says being sick is no fun?

Malek got sick and so generously shared it with Zayne and I. So, being housebound and not feeling so well, we made the most of it. The boys are starting to notice Halloween items in stores and programs on TV. I figured it was a good way to get them distracted. I pulled the new Halloween pajamas out of the closet and surprised them. Yes...long pants and long sleeved isn't the most appealing when it's 98 degrees outside, but we were all stuck inside with the AC running so we may as well be cozy and happy. They went crazy with joy. Malek calls them his 'Haunted Mansion' pajamas. They had a few surprises throughout the day. Lunch was Halloween themed with Halloween shaped chicken nuggets, corn, and bug shaped fruit snacks. At bed time they discovered that the mummy and skeleton on their pajamas glow in the dark. It was hard getting them to sleep they were so excited about it! After a full day, Malek asked to be a gorilla for Halloween so he can scare all of the girls. He wanted to be the scariest thing he could think's a toss up between a gorilla and a monster.

Today we got a package from my mom with a life size puzzle of a tiger. They boys put worked together to complete the puzzle. Then they laid down and measured if they were as big as a tiger. It was a great distraction from not feeling so well. In the box was a picture of me when I was about Zayne's age. Malek saw it and asked if he could put it on his wall. In his words, "It looks better than the picture of my class!" I love his thinking and excitement over the little things.

Bigger and newer...

There are always things that make me take a step back and realize (again and again) that the boys have never seen. This is a great example. I usually buy them baby carrots, already cut and peeled. So one day I bought some regular carrots to make carrot soup and they were SHOCKED at how big they were and that they look just like carrots bunnies eat! Of course...they had to try eating the carrots like bunnies. Made for some great pictures and a clean and amusing food.

Not all food is quite so clean. This peanut butter and banana sandwhich that Zayne was eatting from the center out sure made a mess of his cute little cheeks!